Membership Levels and NEW 2025 Fees

- 10% discount in Gift Shop Gallery
- Discounts on classes/workshops
- Discounts at participating local businesses
- Support of the Art League of Lincoln (aka “ALL”) ensuring the continuation and expansion of culture in the Lincoln community, including visual arts, music and performing arts.

Includes all Member benefits for all members of the same family and Membership in NARM

The North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association® is a network of 1,244 art museums and galleries, historical museums and societies, botanical gardens, children’s museums, zoos and more. Your NARM membership gets you free entry into hundreds of venues in the US and abroad

Includes all Member benefits for students. Eligible students are 6 to 21 years of age and enrolled in school.
Artist Membership

- Artist Benefits includes ALL Member Benefits plus:
- Annual Membership Show: Opportunity to exhibit in Annual Membership show at no fee
- Discounted entry fees for all exhibits:
- Member entry fees: $35 for 1st piece, plus $10 for each additional piece.
- Nonmember entry fees: $50 for 1 piece, plus $10 for each additional piece
- Gift Shop Gallery Opportunity: A year round opportunity to show/sell art
- Spotlight Gallery: Opportunity to rent the Spotlight Gallery for a solo, 2, or 3-person exhibit
- Increased commission on art sold
- Member commission on art sold is 70%
- Non-member commission on art sold is 50%
- Arts Directory Basic Artist Profile

Artist Plus+
- ArtistPlus includes Member benefits, Artist Member benefits, and:
- Artist Plus Promotions: Plus Members will be highlighted in special feature articles in:
- ALL e-newsletter once annually
- Social media
- Expanded web profile, including multiple images and features.
- Membership in NARM.
Business/Community Membership

Business/Community Partner
- Community Partner includes member benefits and:
- Annual feature in the “Community Partner Spotlight”, a feature piece about that organization in our e-newsletter
- Logos included in a minimum of four e-blasts
- Social media featured posts a minimum of four times annually
- Recognition on the ALL website, with logo and link to organization website.
- Invitation to collaborate with ALL in multiple events
- Opportunity to have quarterly rotating ALL artist work in their organization (An annual venue fee of $50 applies)
- Opportunity to participate in the new Lincoln ArtWalk program, to be launched in 2023, to bring foot traffic into your business (An annual venue fee of $100 applies)
- Membership in NARM.
- Arts Directory Business Profile

Business/Community Partnership Plus+
- Community Partner Plus includes Member benefits, Community Partner Benefits, and:
- Featured twice annually in ALL “Community Partner Spotlight”, a feature piece about your organization in ALL e-newsletter
- Logos included in a minimum of 10 e-blasts
- Recognition on the ALL website, with (larger) logo and link to organization website
- Opportunity to have quarterly rotating ALL artist work in your venue and participate in ArtWalk. (No venue fees for participation)
- Membership in NARM.
- Arts Directory Business Profile