Rene Sprattling


Rene Sprattling first found her love of clay at the age of 5 in her mothers garden.  That love was instantly renewed when, at the age of 14 she saw a friend of her aunt’s throw a bowl on the wheel. At 16 she enrolled in a ceramics class in high school and has been claying around ever since. Her first teacher was Richard Ketelle, whom she credits to this day for her continued enthusiasm for this art form.

Rene works out of her studio in downtown Nevada City and also teaches classes and gives weekend workshops at various times throughout the year. Many of her pieces are hand built, but her favorite method is to throw her creations on the wheel and often alter their shape afterwards. Her work is gas fired to 2335 degrees F and is food and oven safe.

In her spare time she competes at hammer throwing with the Sierra Gold masters athletic team. You can see more of René’s work at: