“I moved here 6 years ago and in that time had failed to meet people and make friends. Six months ago I joined the Art League of Lincoln. Between it and my church I feel I’ve found my community! I can show and express myself through my art and volunteering and have made wonderful new friends.”
— Jeanne Tepper
Volunteer With The Arts
We are alive with creative excitement and optimism for the future of ALL. Donors, members, and advocates are the true customers of a nonprofit’s mission, and unparalleled to that is its volunteers. And when it comes to the ARTS, dedicated volunteers provide the much-needed pool of resources it takes to make a significant difference in serving the community and we need you.
For over 12 years, volunteers have been an integral part of the success of our organization at the Art Center in Lincoln. By volunteering, you will not only be assisting staff in the workplace, but you will also help to strengthen our mission within the community. Every volunteer’s contribution is important and deeply appreciated.
Please send an email to artleagueoflincoln@gmail.com or call (916) 209.3499 to volunteer or for more information.
We look forward to having you on the team!
The Art League is looking for creative, personable, enthusiastic volunteers to help us with our day to day operations and beyond! From gallery tours and special events to youth and adult workshops, Art League relies on volunteers to successfully operate the gallery’s diverse programs.
Please send an email to artleaguelincoln@gmail.com or call 916-209-3499 to volunteer or for more information.

- Affiliation with an exciting and meaningful community organization
- Acquisition of knowledge about art, gallery operations, and the functions of a non-profit organization
- Networking with community leaders and artists
- Recognition at volunteer appreciation events
- Letters of recommendation from staff

- Event & Reception Planning
- Gift Shop Sales
- Coordinating Art Shows
- Beautification & Upkeep
- Adult & Youth Art Education
- Membership Outreach
- Grant Writing