April 25 – June 29, 2025
Feats of Clay National Competition
The Feats of Clay 2025 National ceramic competition will be showcased at the Art League of Lincoln, 580 Sixth St. Lincoln California.

The Art League of Lincoln is pleased to announce the 2025 National Feats of Clay National Art Show and Competition.
The internationally renowned clay competition was founded by local ceramicist Ray Gonzales in 1987 and was held annually through 2011 at the Gladding McBean Clay Factory. In 2024 the exhibit was rekindled regionally, and in 2025 the competition is now national. There will be $6,500 in cash prizes.
What types of Ceramic are featured?
All types of ceramic works are encouraged for submission: sculptural, functional, tiles, vessels, etc. In addition, all types of clay and firing techniques (with a minimum of 50% ceramic clay) will be considered.
Competition Rules
Entry application and payment must be received by Sunday March 30th. Work must be the original work of the artist. Maximum dimensions are 2’ x 2’.
View all the Rules >
Schedule at a glance
Exhibit dates: April 25th – June 29th
VIP Reception April 25, 6:00-8:00pm
Public Reception April 26, 5pm-8:00pm
See the Full Schedule >
Juror – Rhonda Willers
We are delighted to have Rhonda Willers, renowned ceramic visual artist, educator, and author, as our juror.
Learn More >
Entry period is closed.
The Art League of Lincoln is pleased to announce the 2025 National Feats of Clay National Art Show and Competition. Entry Deadline is Sunday, March 30th, 2025.
Click the links below for more information
All artwork submitted must be gallery ready to install, and if wall art, inclusive of integral wire installed for hanging. Work that is not for sale may be submitted. Please do not submit any piece that is too fragile to ship, or that requires assembly. The Art League will provide pedestals. The Art League will not be responsible for damage that occurs during shipment. The Artist is responsible for all costs associated with shipping.
There will be $6,500 in cash prizes awarded for Best of Show, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, Honorable Mentions, a People’s Choice Award, a Founder’s Award, and multiple merit and purchase awards. $1,000 for Best of Show, $600 for 1st, $500 for 2nd, $400 for 3rd, and an additional $4,000+ will be presented for the other awards listed.
Up to three pieces of artwork may be submitted for consideration. Entry fee is $40 for up to 3 pieces. Members receive a 70/30 commission split (70% to the artist), and Non-Members receive 60/40 (60% to the artist).
- ENTRY DEADLINE: Entry application and payment must be received by Sunday March 30th. All submissions must be via the Café system. Received work must match the image submitted online exactly. No substitutions will be accepted.
- NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTED ART: Artists will be emailed acceptance notices no later than April 5th.
- ART DELIVERY: All artwork must be received via shipment by Monday, April 21, or submitted in person Saturday, April 19th 10am-3pm or Monday April 21st between 3:00pm-7:00pm at The Art League of Lincoln, 580 Sixth Street, Lincoln CA 95648.
- EXHIBIT DATES: The show will be on exhibit April 25th – June 29th at the 6th Street Gallery inside the Art Center at 580 Sixth Street, Lincoln, CA, 95648. The Art League is open Thursday-Sunday 11:00am-3:00pm.
- VIP Private Reception Friday April 25th from 6:00-8:00pm
- Public Reception Saturday April 26th from 5:00-8:00pm
- Additional receptions May 8th & June 12th 5:00-7:00pm
- AWARDS: $6,500 in cash prizes will be awarded, including Best of Show, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Honorable Mentions, People’s Choice, and multiple purchase and merit awards.
- PICK UP ART: Artwork may be picked up from 12pm-3pm on Sunday June 29th or on Monday, June 30th from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Shipped work will be returned to the artist within 3 weeks of the show closing date at the artists expense via prepaid shipping label.
Art League of Lincoln requests that if you are unable to pick up your artwork during the allotted times, that you make arrangements to have it picked up for you.

About Juror Rhonda Willers
Rhonda Willers is an artist with a diverse art practice that includes ceramics, mixed media, drawing, painting, and time-based installations. She is the author of the book Terra Sigillata: Contemporary Technique, host of the podcast The Artist in Me Is Dead, former president of the board of directors for the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, and her writing is featured in The Book of Alchemy: A Creative Practice for an Inspired Life by Suleika Jaouad. She lives and works in rural Elk Mound, Wisconsin, with her husband, three children, and cats, Asteroid Destroyer and Morel.
Sponsorship Levels
$2,500 Gold Sponsor
Top billed sponsor, most prominent on all printed promotions & signage, website, 3 individual social media promotional posts & group sponsor posts.
$1,000 Silver Sponsor
On all printed promotions & signage, website, 1 individual social media promotional post, & group sponsor posts.
$500 Bronze Sponsor
Listed on Website and in the Feats of Clay catalog
Purchase Awards $250+
Purchase awards are a pledge to purchase artwork at the exhibit. Those holding purchase awards will select art before the public viewing.
Merit Awards $125
Merit awards are to be awarded to an artist of choice by the individual or business that sponsored the Merit Award. Business name will be promoted as a supporter in group posts on social media & website.
Full Schedule
Feats of Clay 2025 Prize money breakdown
Award | Amount |
Best of Show | $1,000.00 |
1st place | $600.00 |
2nd place | $500.00 |
3rd place | $400.00 |
Honorable Mention | $100.00 |
Honorable Mention | $100.00 |
Founders Award | $200.00 |
People’s Choice | $200.00 |
Merit Awards (12+) | $125.00 |
Purchase Awards (8+) | $250.00-$500.00 |
Thank You to Our Sponsors


Merit Award

Past Highlights
Grand opening reception for Feats of Clay 2024 was on June 14th from 7 – 8:30 pm, with an award ceremony at 7:30pm. Remarks by Juror Linda Fitz Gibbon and Feats of Clay Founder Ray Gonzales.